About Me

Hello! I’m Miriam Ortiz y Pino. I love music, science fiction, and making things easy wherever I go.

About Me

Hello! I’m Miriam Ortiz y Pino. I love music, science fiction, and making things easy wherever I go.

About Me

Hello! I’m Miriam Ortiz y Pino. I love music, science fiction, and making things easy wherever I go.

Certified Professional Organizer & Money Breakthrough Business Coach

As a certified professional organizer and business coach, I empower entrepreneurs and creatives types to achieve more by removing the “stuff” that stands in the way of what they want.

By designing simple systems that work for your home or business, we can create the environment you need to live your best life.

If you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start, I have the antidote — clear steps to discover and craft your ideal space where the magic happens.


How I Got Where I am: My Journey from Simplicity and Organization to Business Coach

I love to work with entrepreneurs because I am one myself. When I started my organizing business over twenty years ago, it was to help people gain more control over their lives. Since then, I've worked with artists, politicians, professionals, business owners, and multi-millionaires all over the United States. (Fun fact — I received my CPO designation in 2007, becoming one of the first Certified Professional Organizers in the world.)

I saw my clients struggle to break out of self-defeating patterns that kept them stuck. In almost every case, clutter was only part of the story. I knew I could help them get to the next level in all aspects of their lives and businesses — that's why I decided to become a Money, Mindset and Marketing Coach.

The organizing lead to entrepreneurship that lead to the coaching that lead to the money. I did it to myself and, I wanted to be able to do it to you too. So now I’m also a Streamlined Money Breakthrough Business Coach.

By shifting my relationship with money and developing my own personalized systems, I created the business I've always dreamed of. Now, I use those same strategies to help business owners better connect with themselves so they can make stronger connections with their customers.

Still Want to Know A Little About Me?

  • I still have two of my earliest art projects — a ceramic piggy bank and a jar. One container to hold money and another to hold stuff!
  • My family has lived in New Mexico for 15 generations. It's one reason I'm so passionate about helping my local community. I'm a patron of Emerge New Mexico, am involved with the Santa Fe Business Incubator, and love to support our local art and music scene.
  • I'm a Firestarter Facilitator and a National Association of Productivity and Organizing (NAPO) Instructor.
  • I was named as a Simplicity Legend, was featured in The 30-Day Simplicity Challenge book, and was voted Top 5 Simplicity Blogs!
  • I have a bachelor’s degree in American Studies with a focus on Popular Culture from the University of New Mexico.
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